Year: 2016
Client: Bioversity International, Serdang, Malaysia
Key words: gender norms, agriculture, natural resource management, Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan
This Global Study involved comparative case study research that applied a standardized qualitative methodology to build understanding of changing gender norms and agency in the context of agricultural or NRM innovation. The study objective was to provide robust empirical evidence on the relationship between gender norms, agency and agricultural innovation, and how these interactions support or hinder the achievement of the Intermediate Development Objectives (IDO) across varied contexts.
Suggested Citation: Ibraeva, G., Elias, M., Ablezova, M., Danshina, A. 2016. Enabling Gender Equality in Agricultural and Environmental Innovation in Southwestern Kyrgyzstan. Bioversity International, Rome.
Year: 2018
Client: CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA)
Keywords: gender, forest, tree crop, innovation, oil palm, migration, tenure, intersectionality, Kyrgyzstan, Indonesia
GENNOVATE, Enabling Gender Equality in Agricultural and Environmental Innovation, is a qualitative comparative research initiative which brought together researchers from 11 of the Phase 1 CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs). Together the GENNOVATE research team is advancing a two-track strategy of building an authoritative qualitative portfolio of research results and second, catalyzing gender-transformative change in international agricultural research for development (AR4D).
This report forms part of a set of GENNOVATE research reports which pull together CRP-specific findings about how gender norms influence local level development dynamics, including the ability of individual men, women and young people to learn about and engage in innovation processes in agriculture and natural resource management. The findings presented in this report are primarily targeted to CRP research managers, scientists and research teams. They are meant to inform theories of change and intervention strategies, and to help identify opportunities for enhancing impact of agricultural research and development through the integration of gender transformative approaches.
Suggested Citation: Elias, M.*, Elmirst, R.*, Ibraeva, G., Sijapati Basnett, B., Ablezova, M., Siscawati, M. (2018). Understanding gendered innovation processes in forest landscapes: Case studies from Indonesia and Kyrgyz Republic. GENNOVATE Report to the CGIAR Research Programs on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). Bioversity International, Rome.